Call Center
Call Center
Using state-of-the-art telecommunications equipment and sofware, TOPS can handle all of your inbound Customer Service, Inbound Sales, Lead Generation and virtual assistance needs. Our services are made to order, so contact us today for a tailored solution for a perfect fit.
Call us at (888) GO 2 TOPS For a FREE Consultation
Customer Service
One Call Resolution
US Based Agents
Client Led Agent Training
Email Ticket Support
1 to 1 Chat Support
1 to Many Chat Support
Call Disposition Tracking
Refund, credit and return processing
Chargeback Investigation & Resolution
Accurate Reporting
Calls as low as $.95 Per Min
Inbound Sales
Custom Sales Scripts
US Based Agents
Client Led Agent Training
Upsells & Cross Sells
Call Disposition Tracking
Accurate Reporting
Outbound Sales
Full Stack Sales
Lead Generation
Appointment Setting
Upsell Surveys

need a
Virtual Assistant?
We don't just have a call center in a box. We tailor our services to fit your specific needs. Give us a call today!